About the Performance — Simply Lincoln
1863: Lincoln's Remarkable Year
This program highlights a shift in Lincoln’s aim as 1862 comes to a close. Turning from his sole focus of preserving the Union, Lincoln opens 1863 dedicated to freeing the slaves. Lincoln signs the Emancipation Proclamation, writes a famous letter to John C. Conkling, issues the Thanksgiving Proclamation, and gives The Gettysburg Address. A remarkable year!
With Charity for All – Lincoln’s Last Year
This program focuses on the last fourteen months of Abraham Lincoln’s presidency, beginning with the appointment of Lt. General Grant as the overall commander of the Union army. Victories by Generals Sherman and Sheridan propel Lincoln to a successful presidential re-election. Lincoln plays a behind-the-scenes role in getting Congress to approve the 13th Amendment, abolishing slavery. Lincoln’s wish that the country would be restored and united with “a benevolent goodwill to all” is immortalized in his Second Inaugural Address.
From the Declaration of Independence to the Gettysburg Address
This program highlights Abraham Lincoln’s connection with the Declaration of Independence and our founding fathers, and how these connections helped shape The Gettysburg Address. The audience will hear the phrase “all men are created equal” several times, for it is the phrase that guided Lincoln's life and how he treated others. This program will begin and end with The Gettysburg Address. The audience must hear the Address the first time to better appreciate the second time it’s recited. Prior to the second time, a detailed explanation about why certain words and phrases were used will increase one’s appreciation of the profound Address.
Mr. Wright is prepared to include any of the following selections in a performance:
Excerpts from the Cooper Union Speech, New York City (Feb. 27, 1860)
Excerpts, Speeches Delivered in Hartford, CT (Mar. 5, 1860) and New Haven, CT (Mar. 6, 1860)
Reply to Miss Grace Bedell (Oct. 19, 1860)
Reply to Alexander Stephens (Dec. 22, 1860)
Excerpt, Farewell Address in Springfield, IL (Feb. 11, 1861)
Conclusion, the First Inaugural Address (Mar. 4,1861)
Excerpt, Message to Congress in Special Session (July 4, 1861)
Reply to Editorial by Horace Greeley of The New York Tribune (Aug. 22, 1862)
Reply to Major General George B. McClellan (Oct. 24, 1862)
Conclusion, Annual Message to Congress (Dec. 1, 1862)
Letter to Miss Fanny McCullough (Dec. 23, 1862)
Excerpts from The Emancipation Proclamation (Jan. 1, 1863)
Excerpts, Letter to Major General Joseph Hooker (Jan. 26, 1863)
Letter to Major General Ulysses S. Grant (July 13, 1863)
Letter to Major General George G. Meade (July 14, 1863)
Reprimand to Captain James M. Cutts (Oct. 26, 1863)
The Gettysburg Address (Nov. 19, 1863)
Speech to the 148th Ohio Regiment (Aug. 31, 1864)
Meditation on the Divine Will (Summer, 1864)
Excerpts, Annual Message to Congress (December 6, 1864)
The Second Inaugural Address (Mar. 4, 1865)
Lincoln Telegram to Lieutenant General Ulysses S. Grant (April 7, 1865)